Monday 27 April 2015

What color is my aura:Understanding Aura Colors

The human Aura will be the Energy field that surrounds you. It is often either an elliptical or egg shape. It differs from the others sizes and colors for you. When you are a person looking for more info when it comes to what color is my aura. A healthy Aura can act like a shield against negative auras and negative energies. Positive Aura is vital for attracting other positive energies within our body. Auras are the invisible Energy fields surrounding people, animals, plants and many types of living entities.

The Aura and Energy are similar in many ways and often it is not easy to differentiate between them. To see an aura, you'll want to place the person in front of the pastel or white wall in a dimmed light. Many doubt the reliability of Psychics but a great number of are having to admit their potential and seek to employ their skills in healing, in crime detection as well as other fields of investigation. The health in the Chakra determines to a extent the integrity with the specific layer from the Aura.

One might almost state that the human Aura is literally the limbs from the soul. The Aura is absolutely not limb-shaped--it doesn't appear to be an arm or perhaps a leg. The Aura is definitely an electromagnetic Energy that surrounds living things for example humans, animals, plants in addition to inanimate things such as rocks, and man-made objects. Simple move both hands in a light manner a couple of inches from the individual's body. Use a mild stroking motion as if you were gently smoothing air around them. The aura, shaped through the constant interaction of mental, physical and spiritual factors, is very dependent and understanding of our inner and outer environment.

Exploring such new concepts is a sure way to broaden one's mind and expand one's awareness. Although everybody's Aura is unique, there are some generally accepted guidelines in terms of interpreting Aura colors. Chakras vibrate in a certain frequency depending on which of the seven major Chakras we are discussing. Aura could be the antennae of consciousness, a banking center of knowledge, a storehouse of our own karma-our thoughts actions and reactions.

Regarding clairvoyance, the sense that's needed is to perceive vibrations after dark normal range of sight it's a matter of degree in sensitivity. We can always mould universal life force Energy into higher vibrational forms. Each color carries a different meaning equally as each card inside a deck of tarot or Angel cards carries a different meaning. Find a brightly decorated wall at home, white is preferable but never ever necessary, it's going to just make the process easier.

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